Article written by-Krause Tang
Taking good care of your skin today is going to benefit you not only now, but for many years to come. It has been proven that proper skin care can keep you looking youthful, long after those who do not take care of their skin. Follow the tips in this article to gain healthy skin.
Make your own mask to help with breakouts. After you wash your face use a raw egg-white and spread it all over your face. The egg-white will dry and tighten on your face. It will clean out your pores and help close them up. You can also use clay-dirt as a mask.
Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Sun exposure is the number one cause of aging of the skin, and it's a shame because it's so easy to prevent. Slather on the sunscreen as soon as you step out of the shower to help it really soak in, put some more on visible areas on your lunch break, and then again when you get home, in that little half-minute break before you get out of the car to go inside. Make sure to refresh throughout the day, because sunscreen wears off. (If you pick a sunscreen that's also a moisturizer, that's another bonus!)
To keep your skin looking youthful and avoid sun damage, add SPF to your daytime moisturizer. There's no need to throw out your old moisturizer, though. You can take a moisturizer you have already and put it together with a touch of a lighter lotion that does have sunscreen in it. You can use the same trick with liquid makeup.
Eat kiwis to slow down the aging process and improve the look of your skin. Kiwis have an ample amount of vitamin C which stimulates collagen production. Collagen keeps your skin firm and elastic which helps people's skin to gracefully age. Adding kiwis as a daily snack is an easy diet change that will pay dividends for your skin.
If you need to reduce the time you spend on skin care, cut down on your makeup. For example, if you replace a foundation with a tinted moisturizer, you can apply it faster and with fewer mistakes. Less makeup means less time putting it on, less time taking it off, and less damage done to your skin.
Many people grow up thinking having a nice dark tan is healthy and beautiful. Well, it's not. Tanned skin is the first part of skin damage. Tanned skin also doesn't help protect you from sunburn all that much. Tanning your skin gives you roughly an SPF protection of 2-4, much less than the minimum recommended SPF 15. It's not worth damaging your skin when it doesn't do all that much to protect you.
Oatmeal is not just for breakfast. It helps itchy skin, too. Colloidal oatmeal can help with itchy skin caused by eczema, psoriasis, insect bites and poison ivy. Adding a cup or two of colloidal oatmeal to a warm bath helps treat itchy skin.
Professional makeup artist phoenix with cool water after, and then pat dry with a towel. This can be done up to three times per day for relief.
Try using some kind of mist moisturizer instead of just using plain water. Plain water only hydrates your skin for a short while and will end up drying out your skin. Moisturizing your skin with a mist form of it is a lot easier to apply then a topical cream.
Wearing sunscreen regularly is considered one of the most important things you can do for your skin. The sun is one of the most damaging threats to skin. You can prevent damage from the sun by wearing sunscreen under your makeup. Foundations containing a minimum SPF of 15 work as preventative care as well.
Drink fewer alcoholic beverages. To keep your skin clear, try not to drink more than one alcoholic beverage a day. Anything more than a single drink of alcohol can increase oil production in your skin. This can enlarge pores and may, ultimately, lead to a breakout.
Drink and eat products that have antioxidants. Green tea, dark chocolate and fruit are great sources. Consuming these things regularly protects you from every day problems like UV light, second hand smoke and harmful stress.
Men can cause some damage to the skin on their faces by shaving without using proper procedures.
The Skin and makeup institute of arizona is important for men to make sure that their pores are open before shaving. An easy way to do this would be to let steam from the shower loosen up your skin. When the pores are open, the hair follicles will be able to be cut closer to the skin with fewer passes, effectively preventing the need to continuously shave the same area of the face and reducing risks such as razor rash.
A little bit of sunshine can help your skin clear up. Not only does going outside help lower your stress levels, but the vitamin D your body creates when it's exposed to sunlight, also helps skin stay healthy. Oxygen flow is also increased to your skin, which leaves you glowing and acne-free. Don't forget a light, oil-free sunscreen to protect you from rays which can be harmful.
Get a full night of sleep. Sleep can make a huge impact on your skin. A lack of much-needed sleep will adversely affect your skin: your skin tone will lose its glow, and dark circles may form beneath your eyes. A lack of sleep can also lead to increased occurrences of embarrassing breakouts. You'll feel more refreshed, and your skin will look better.
One handy trick for facial skin care is to lay a fresh, clean towel over your pillow before going to bed every night. The oils from your skin rub off onto your pillow and then transfer back onto your face. Pillowcases get saturated with this oil very quickly. Using a clean towel to absorb the oil will improve your complexion.
If you are treating a healing wound and want to decrease the likeliness of scarring, use light plant oils or a lightweight facial moisturizer to keep the skin moist. Do not massage into the skin, dabbing it on gently, instead. Also, be sure only to use a pure oil, not a thick, oil-containing cream or salve.
Always buy all-natural and/or hypoallergenic products for shaving sensitive skin. Avoid products that have alcohol, methyl paraben, butyl paraben, or sodium laurel sulfate. All of these chemicals are harsh and will disrupt the protective coating on your skin. Also avoid products labeled as "antibacterial"�. These, too are harsh and damaging to sensitive skin.
With the above information, there is no longer an excuse not to keep your skin in the best condition possible. It doesn't require mass amounts of time or work on your behalf and the results are always worth what you put in. Do not wait until tomorrow to start taking care of your body when damage is being done today.